Jul 3, 2011

What I have learned from weeds (and other unintended and untended things that flourish on the edge of my horizon.

  1. Not all unintended and untended plants in the landscape are weeds.
Some weeds you can eat. And they taste very good.

  1. Pick a small patch and begin the job.
Looking at the big picture when it comes to weeding can be daunting.

  1. Sometimes it’s okay to let go and let them grow taller.
In order avoid disturbing lower-growing plants, I wait til I can grab them easier.

  1. Be grateful that they are teachers.
Through drought, pestilence and adverse conditions, some plants will survive…what can I learn from this?

  1. Enjoy the interspecies communication as you spend time outdoors in nature.
At least weeding gets me outside in the fresh air and sunlight!

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