Nov 5, 2009

Tribute to Fort Hood and military families

It doesn't matter what side of the political fence you are on, a tragedy like this at our local military base unifies families and neighbors around the country.

Two years ago I made a Digital Story about my family's connection to Ft. Hood.
My father served in the 4th Infantry Division that is headquartered in Killeen, Texas.
My nephew is following his grandfather's lead and is currently serving in the Army at that base. Over the past 5 years, I have visited the base for the sad departures and the jubilant homecomings. I put aside my political feelings for the love of family.
My heart goes out to everyone touched by this senseless act of violence.
May families find peace and strength in the comfort of loved ones.
I read the words on the web page. Shooting at Ft. Hood. My face feels hot, my chest tightens and it’s difficult to breathe. I know that Ft. Hood is the largest military base in the world. The odds are that my sister’s son, my godson, my nephew, is not in harm’s way. But I don’t know that for sure.
After my nephew was deployed twice to Iraq I have an emotional response to news related to the Army at Ft. Hood. He chose this career and he is good at it.
I am impressed with the caliber of people who are his friends. They take care of each other. They are intelligent, well-rounded family people.
It’s the not knowing.
I know myself well enough to know that I will obsess looking for information on the Internet.
I send off an email to his Blackberry, knowing that he will be busy looking after those in his command.
I don’t want to bother him.
I imagine he is fine.
Time marches on. I realize any reports this early will be wrought with misinformation.
I leave work and drive home. There I get the message he is fine.

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